Isabella Druckenthaner: “I've learned to stand above it”
What I've come across time and time again: That I'm called Miss and that I also have to listen to a few “nice” sayings about women. Over time, I've learned to be quick-witted and to stand above it. To counter stupid sayings in a nice and polite way, if that's possible. To think to me: That may be your attitude, thank goodness mine is different.
Once I helped out in a gourmet restaurant, I was wearing a dirndl. And then someone from the band that played said to me: “You can bring me anything with your cleavage.” I was so perplexed at that moment that I didn't say anything and just left. Then I told my boss that I no longer wanted to serve the Lord and she respected that. Such situations scare away young women because many think: I won't do that to myself. Also because it's a tough job. During my first internship, I was the little 15-year-old Isabella, but I also made a bar and had to bring tableaus full of beer mugs into the dining room. A 15-year-old boy can certainly handle this more easily than a 15-year-old girl. I think that's also the problem with training, because a lot of girls say: No thanks, I don't want that.
What would I wish for? More understanding, more openness and more friendliness, on equal footing. Just be nicer to each other. Even though I'm working right now and you're spending your free time, I deserve respect.
Isabella Druckenthaner is a student from Altmünster at the 4hLA of the Bad Ischl Tourism School, a participant in the pleasure laboratory.