The Stammtisch is alive! - The recipe for success Wirtshaus Show
With humor and sensitivity, Kira Saskia Schinko creates a unique format that fulfills everything you can expect from a successful visit to the regulars' table.
Jessica Jarosch

An acclaimed and cheerful premiere of the tavern show was celebrated on June 8 at the “Gasthaus Rostiger Anker” in Grundlsee.

Getting together, talking to each other, laughing together — that's exactly what makes for a good round of regulars' tables and ennobles the tavern as an Austrian cultural asset. The death of the tavern is repeatedly lamented, and yet many top chefs are turning their backs on fine dining to make themselves and their guests comfortable in the good old tavern kitchen. The longing for the places and occasions of informal gatherings is great and does not fade away even against the backdrop of the transfer of social contacts to digital maps.

Kira Saskia Schinko is convinced that a sense of solidarity only comes about analogously, in the real world, and is desirable to bring together highly diverse societies in the moment of laughing together. That's why she took the “Stammtisch- (Re) Animation live” as her resolution and redeemed it right away with the premiere of the first Austrian tavern show: a bit of late-night talk, a bit of cabaret stage, entertaining, profound, and yet above all a big round of regulars' tables that had a wonderful time - on this side and on the other side of the colorful tavern stage, like a hearty and felt constantly laughing sweet Si Stach proved. The “Musi”, which undoubtedly belongs in and to the tavern, found an ideal cast in the dialect folk duo SarahBernhardt, who created an atmospheric tavern atmosphere seemingly effortlessly and with lots of wordplay in cheerful, contemplative lyrics with bite.

Tavern culture and the associated, very personal experiences were always a topic of conversation; the sentimental return to the savings association's regulars' table even led to an immediate expression of solidarity: With the resolution to visit each of the following tavern shows, an illustrious group decided to found a new savings association.

Such long-term plans, as well as the fully staffed “Rostiger Anker” inn, can be regarded as an urgent suggestion to get places for The next dates of the tavern show to secure!

The podcast for the tavern show

Kira Saskia Schinko reports her personal impressions of the premiere in addition to various other insights into the nature and social role of the regulars' table in 7th episode of our podcast series. Listen now

You must have been there yourself - That is the meaning and concept of the tavern show, because feelings and moods cannot be transposed. That is why there will be virtually no recording material from the following shows. Of course, an exception was made at the premiere and Aussee Regional Television (ARF) was allowed to capture some pictures and statements

Photo gallery © Chris Gütl